IIA Awards

IIA Awards

Iconic Indian Awards

Bee Loud Buzz Media presents the 1st Annul Iconic Indian Awards Gala to shine the spotlight on the great work being done by key achievers from different industries and to empower start-ups, SME’s and to develop professionals into brands.

Award night will be featured at a networking dinner with live comedy nights and music performance. It is an exceptional opportunity to network and tell your company’s strategic growth story. Award night will be featured at a networking dinner with live comedy nights and music performance. It is an exceptional opportunity to network and tell your company’s strategic growth story

Each year, we build on what we’ve learned from previous summits while maintaining our focus on advancing interaction design education across all levels of the career development path from early education to professional learning.

Join us in Delhi

The Summit will open in, 2024.

This is a separate ticket from your Interaction. To attend the IIA 2024, you can contact on the number given below:

Be a Part of Grand Annual Iconic Awards of India.

It will bring together industry veterans to interact with each other who are moving ahead for business and service sustainability and growth. In the Summit we are Inviting Government Officials, Senior Representatives from the top most brands and the company from various parts of India.

Register now for the 3rd Annual Pride of Bharat Awards in Delhi. 

Enquire Now
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